Metatarsalagia Exercises

I came across these exercises on a webiste called whilst looking at news items that our customers, you, may be interested in. Though I am no way a medical expert, and I cannot testify to the medical proof that these will work for you, I thought that it might be something that you would be interested in. Indeed, if you try them and they work please leave a comment for others to see.

Classic Exercise No 1 - The Achilles-Tendon Stretch

Stand with the toes and balls of your feet on a kerb or step. Then, drop your heels down as far as possible, without causing significant pain, of course. Rest in this position for a few seconds, and then rise up on your toes, holding this position for a few seconds as well. Carry out three sets of 12 reps of this exercise per day, with 15-30 seconds of rest between sets. Over time, make the exercise progressively more difficult by wearing a weighted vest with increasing amounts of weight or by holding dumbbells in your hands.

Classic Exercise No 2 - Ankle Flexion

Simply sit on an elevated flat surface with the leg associated with the affected foot crossed over the opposite thigh. Grab the affected leg at the ankle with the hand of the opposite side, and grasp the toes of the affected foot with the same-side hand. Gently pull the toes of the injured foot inward towards the lower leg, until you begin to experience pain. Back off slightly to lessen discomfort, and hold this position for five to 10 seconds. Relax for 10 seconds before repeating, and perform this sequence for three sets of eight reps.

Classic Exercise No 3 - Ankle Extension

Sit on an elevated flat surface with the leg of the affected foot crossed over the opposite thigh. Grasp the affected-side leg at the ankle with the same-side hand, and grasp the toes of the affected foot with the opposite-side hand. Then, gently pull toes and sole of the affected-side foot toward the body to the point of significant pain. Hold this position for five to 10 seconds, and then relax for 10 seconds. Use three sets of eight reps per day.

Classic Exercise No 4 - The Ankle Turn-In

Sit on an elevated flat surface with the leg of the affected foot crossed over the opposite thigh. Hold the affected leg at the ankle with the hand of the same side, and grasp the toes of the affected foot with the opposite-side hand. Cautiously bend the foot upward at the ankle towards the inner leg to the point of significant pain. Again, hold this position for five to 10 seconds, with 10 seconds of relaxation following. Perform this sequence 10 times, three times daily. Review the full article on the Sports Injury website.

Stylish Shoes for people who suffer from Metatarsalagia

The good news is that we have a great seletion of shoes available for you if you suffer from this painful condition. Click Here to view available styles now.