Hi, we though that it would be useful to share with you some hints and tips on finding the best shoes for bunions. We get asked by customers all the time about what they should look for in a good bunion shoe.
We appreciate how hard it can be to trawl the high street looking for 'Bunion Shoes'. All that effort to find a pair of shoes that you settle for but don't love just because they will accommodate an enlarged joint or bunion. At CheerfulSoles we believe that when looking for ladies shoes for bunions you shouldn't compromise on style and settle for something that you have to wear. We do not sell special bunion shoes, we sell shoes that happen to be suitable for all kinds of feet and we always make sure that we have a stylish collection of shoes for bunions that you want to wear, not have to wear!

Our Hints and Tips for finding your perfect Shoes for Bunions

Seam Free! Look for a shoe that has no seam around the front of the shoe that could irritate your bunion. Suede, a good choice Think about buying a suede shoe. It will be more comfortable for your bunion as it will give a bit more than leather. Don’t worry about wearing suede shoes in the rain, regular use of a protector spray will help to keep them as new. Having problems find a shoe that stays on and fits your bunions? Lace ups will work well as they will help keep the shoe on your foot. However, if you are looking for something a bit more elegant, look for a shoe with a strap across such as a Mary Jane style as this will also help to hold your foot securely in the shoe. Removable inlays can give you extra depth A shoe with a removable inlay can also help when looking for a shoe to accommodate your bunion. If you take the insole out it will give more depth to the shoe which will allow more room for your bunion. Lots of Laces If you are thinking of buying a lace up shoe, look for a shoe with a number of eyelets. This will allow you to leave the laces fairly loose at the bottom near the bottom and then fairly tight at the top to help secure the shoe on your foot.   Please let us know if you have any other tips so that we can share them with everyone.